Doremi can pride itself on being the last server company to enter the digital cinema market, and the first to wildly succeed. Its success has been nothing less than spectacular. As a small and nimble company, it has shown incredible
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Archives for December 2008
DTS Digital Cinema
DTS Digital Cinema was sold by DTS to Beaufort in May of 2008. Beaufort, in turn, is nearly 100% owned by Phil Emmel of Datasat in the UK. As part of the agreement, the company must divest itself of the name “DTS” come ShoWest (end of
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GDC Technology
GDC Technology has long been the Asian leader for digital cinema servers, and was the first to install digital cinema servers in China. Its president, Dr. Man-Nang Chong, learned early in the game the value of having a presence in Los
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Kodak Digital Cinema
Kodak Digital Cinema continues to defy gravity. Over the past two years, Kodak’s stock has fallen by over 75%, reducing its market cap to around $1.9B. While some industry execs have speculated that Kodak should buy Cinedigm, perhaps
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Microspace is a satellite communications provider for business communications, digital signage, and digital cinema. It is wholly owned by Capitol Broadcasting Company, a privately owned company that owns and operates radio and television
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