NEC is a giant by any standards. It has a market cap of $11.2B. Its stock is down around 50% over the past two years, par with its peers. The company is well diversified, with operations in IT, networks, consumer electronics, and
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Archives for December 2008
RealD provides 3-D add-on technology for digital cinema projectors, and polarized glasses for viewing. It is a privately held startup, funded by venture capital. Investment houses such as Shamrock, chaired by Roy Disney, and other capital
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Sony Electronics is the only company on the market with 4K projection systems. It’s SXRD 4K technology is also the only competitor to TI’s 2K DLP Cinema. Sony is a diverse corporation, with strengths ranging from consumer electronics to
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If one were to add up the sums, Technicolor Digital Cinema has probably spent more money over the years on digital cinema than any other venture. Circa 1999, it purchased Real Image, followed by a joint venture with Qualcomm, neither of
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XDC is the system integrator and financier for 350 digital screens in Europe, with exhibition deals in place that will expand its installation base to 720 screens. The company was spun out of EVS Broadcast, who continues to own 47% of the
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