Cinema Buying Group, representing a large number of small independent theatre owners in the US, is seeking ways to move forward with its Cinedigm deal. One possibility under discussion with studios is to make widely available the weekly VPF
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Archives for March 2009
Closed Captions
State Attorney General-initiated lawsuits against exhibitors over ADA (American’s with Disabilities Act) compliance are now active in three states. As the potential grows to begin a large-scale rollout of digital cinema to major exhibitors,
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A short footnote in this report, but a hugely significant achievement, was SMPTE’s publication of the final packaging standard in March, completing the suite of packaging standards for digital cinema. This effort began in late 2001 with a
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ISDCF held its 3-D luminance demonstration this month. This was the first demonstration in years that harkens back to the days of the ETC Digital Cinema Lab. Jerry Pierce and Kevin Wines deserve enormous credit for planning, preparing and
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Other News
Fortis Bank committed €50M for the funding of XDC-led deployments, with the intent to further commit €100M. While the wording in XDC’s press release did not convey confidence that the deal was finalized, an informed source confirmed that
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