DCI did not introduce a v1.3 of its spec, but instead issued a new set of “errata.” These are not really errata, but changes to the spec. Notable among the changes is that a studio can now choose to automatically trust the projector, rather than be required to list those projectors that are to be trusted in the KDM. Other changes affect details regarding how projector security is managed.
More significantly, the Compliance Test Plan, or CTP, was updated to v1.1. The new version, while within the parameters of the DCI spec, introduces new tests that delve deeper into security functions and behaviors. It appears this move could delay DCI compliance. The engineers of one prominent 2K media block company say that its media block would have passed CTP v1.0, but will not pass v1.1. This indicates that software within the FIPS boundary will have to be changed, at significant additional cost to such vendors. Not particularly welcome news at a time when anticipated US sales for 2K products have collapsed.
In terms of demonstrating support for a single scheme of distributing and securing content, the introduction of the DCI spec accomplished much good. But there is question among some vendors today as to whether or not DCI has followed the Peter Principle and risen to its level of incompetence. There are probably few members within DCI who actually understand the nuances that are now in emphasis. No one within DCI comes from the product development world, and so there is no manufacturing experience involved to sensibly guide matters. None of this would be a problem were it not for the fact that DCI is a closed shop. Its meetings are private. Its topics are private. Citing concern for anti-trust laws, DCI never discusses in advance its activities with the vendors that its changes will affect.
To the extent that its behavior will likely extend the time needed to achieve DCI compliance, DCI is becoming a problem to its own studio members. Perhaps the pain point required for change is reaching critical mass. This topic may be raised in the June 4th ISDCF.