Cinedigm's 10,000 screen Phase 2 roll-out began in early 2008, with a three year roll-out period. If the roll-out period has not been extended, then its roll-out will end early 2011. Likewise, DCIP's roll-out period for its current phase
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Archives for August 2010
The Art of Badly Converting 2-D Movies to 3-D
Anyone familiar with the past decade of work from Jim Cameron knows he's had his share of problems with 3-D. His persistence, and his willingness to learn and improve, is what spoiled us with the quality 3-D experience of Avatar. But when
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Other News
AAM won with Hoyts its first non-deployment-related TMS contract, the first such public announcement where the TMS was chosen independent of the deployment entity. In the case of Hoyt's, the deployment entity is DCIPA. The AAM TMS is one
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