Text delivery of 3-D Subtitles is on its way. Testing of Higher Frame Rates proves to be challenging. What does IOSONO, Imm Sound, Dolby, and Auro3D have in common? That’s the question. The SMPTE FIPS Revision Study Group successfully completes its work. SMPTE leads in Cinema Sound. Satellite distribution will be back in the news.
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Archives for March 2012
3-D Subtitling
Sound may be 50% of the experience, but picture occupies 90% of the digital composition. Fulfillment companies know this well, as a movie whose versions require different picture track files have a lot more data to manage. Picture track file versions are required when separate 2-D and 3-D versions
Higher Frame Rates
The business of testing very high compression bit rates at higher frame rates is not so simple. Both content and testing apparatus require special consideration, as needless to say, this has never been done before. It is the visual quality of JPEG2000-compressed images at different compression rates that must be studied,
The New Frontier of Sound
In the 90’s, multiple digital sound on film formats were introduced. Two of them carried 5.1 audio, and one of them 7.1 audio (notably, not the same speaker configuration as the 7.1DS format used today). All of them used a high degree of compression, which had an impact on