- X-Curve Isn’t An EQ Curve. An explanation of how X-Curve came into being, and why it’s still relevant to cinema.
- Competing with Dolby. Everyone may complain, but there are reasons why Dolby has the best shot at succeeding with its new sound system.
- Lasers Are Coming, Someday, Maybe. RealD presents to the ASC on the challenges surrounding laser projection.
- Encryption Meets File Sharing, as Kim Dotcom prepares to launch the next evolution in file sharing platforms. Will it help piracy, or hurt it?
- HFR is Not for Everyone. SMPTE held its Symposium on High Frame Rates, and Doug Trumbull gave the keynote.
- Time for Latin America to Convert. With the end of film in sight, now is the time. But exhibitors will have to band together.
- Led Zeppelin’s 2007 Celebration Day concert arrived in cinemas, producing a modest return.
- Christie Digital demonstrated a 72,000 lumen projector in Beijing, with a silver screen.
- Arts Alliance released its Locksmith key management service.
- Dreamworks Animation signs 15 movie deal with Auro3D.