Why invest in higher frame rates? You might be surprised at our answer. ISDCF declares SMPTE DCP “not ready.” This may not too late for Warner, but its time we were honest about it. Will SMPTE DCP Succeed? Perhaps it’s time we were honest about this subject, too. Adventures in Cinema Sound, and other
Archives for January 2013
Why Invest in Higher Frame Rates?
Perhaps the most surprising part of The Hobbit’s venture into the land of high frame rates is that Warner hasn’t released any box office figure for the HFR 3D version of the movie. It’s not as if they don’t know them. At the ICTA conference this month, it seemed
ISDCF’s Plugfest Declares SMPTE DCP “Not Ready”
ISDCF held another Plugfest this month. The primary targets for study were audio routing capability, and on-screen rendering of subtitles and captions. The results were underwhelming. Plugfest testing has long revealed a problem in on-screen rendering of subtitles. The problem is historical, dating back to the introduction of the
Will SMPTE DCP Succeed?
If we were to define in simple terms the current role of the SMPTE 21DC committee, it is to oversee and improve all things related to digital cinema distribution. 21DC oversees matters related to encryption, including the selection and details of encryption algorithm, the Key Delivery Message (KDM), and, of