If the recent dialog across social networks over the color of a dress says anything at all, it’s that color science matters. The display of color invokes numerous questions. Does everyone see the colors of a display in the same way? Is the display capable of presenting all of the colors
Archives for February 2015
Why the Fuss About Net Neutrality
The intent to regulate internet providers in the US sparked no end of debate. Much of that debate obfuscated the underlying issues, to the point of inspiring over-the-top statements on both sides. Ultimately, net neutrality in the US will establish a foundation for growth of streamed entertainment to the home, which
Making a Living in 3D
It isn’t as easy as it used to be. Not that making a living in 3D has ever been that easy. 3D had its moment of sunshine in 2010 and for some years after. The one company that took best advantage of the trend was RealD, achieving a